
Sunday, March 4, 2018

David's Psalm 19

Psalm 19

Verses 1-6 say, The Heavens are telling of the Glory of God...

Verses 7-11 goes on to, The Law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul...

Then verse 12 comes to, Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults...

And sums up with verse 14, Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

David's meditation on God's beautiful Creation led him into thinking about how it all operates: God's rules. God told us how to cooperate with the World's Operating System--the Law and the Prophets. 

And David realizes that he's not perfect, and that there are traits in his being that are not right, faults--sins hidden from himself. 

I appreciate that God sent Jesus, and had His disciples and followers record their personal experiences with Him, and even wrote letters that explain how the whole Old Testament lays out God's Plan. 

David knew God, not just knew of God. He understood so much Who God is and how His ways are, he was able to follow the progression from the Natural World; to how it works, all the rules and precepts and regulations; to how he doesn't measure up to the perfection God built into what He has made. Then ends with asking God's blessing on this whole meditation, to verify that this is a truthful and accurate teaching of God's ways. And God did put this song into His Word, honoring David for his accurate assessment.

Thank You so much, Father, for giving us this Psalm. Thank You for showing us everything we need to know, to get to know Who You are, and what You have done in what You have made, and how it all works together. Thank You, Father for even showing us how when Your people stray from Your ways and succumb to their own weaknesses, how they suffer through the consequences of their failures, as examples for us; and how when they humble themselves before You and follow Your ways, how You bless them. 

You have used them in furthering Your Plan for Time in this Earth to progress, and how the World of Mankind on this Earth can be a paradise, but instead has become a tangled, evil mess. But even in this fallen environment, You have called to Yourself those who call on You in repentance and faith, and they are blessed. They are called to be in the World but not of it, and to be Your Light in the darkness that has pervaded this World. 

Father, You have put Your purposes in every detail of what You have made; and when evil people who rebel against You make their misguided choices, You use even them in leading Mankind toward its final culmination. 

You have given us a "free will," that is free within the parameters You have set for creatures in this Universe. So that there is nothing we are capable of choosing that can do anything to foil Your will, to prevent You from accomplishing everything You want to do. You will use the greatest evil (the murder of the Lord God Himself) to affect the greatest good for us (the Salvation from sin and Redemption of this World and Universe). 

You are great, and Your wisdom and knowledge and goodness are so enormous, all coming from Your Love, which is Your very Nature. What You are provides the rule, the measure of everything You have made. When we love one another, we will be obeying all Your laws. When we love You, we will not give our affections or loyalty or prayers to any other. Thank You, Father, for teaching me this.

May the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart also be pleasing to You, My good, good Father, my Rock, my Redeemer.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.