
Monday, March 18, 2019

Our Attitude: Faith

Mark 9: 23  ... All things are possible for him who believes.

10: 52  ... Your faith has made you well ...

10: 27  ... With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God. 

God designed this World to work on faith. To believe allows the good into our lives. Our attitudes must be trusting God with no doubts as to His ability or desire to do it for us. All things are possible for Him because He is God over all. Fully relying on Him will open the way for Him to respond, in the way that is right for us, in His time. 

That's why it's based on faith. If we don't believe, then we aren't allowing it into our reality. It's our choice. Whatever we choose to believe, we will be expecting and looking for. And whatever we are looking for, we will find; whether it be good or not. 

That's why Proverbs says:
All the days of the afflicted are bad, but a cheerful heart has a continual feast  (Proverbs 15:15). 
This is our attitude. A positive attitude opens us up to receiving good things, a constant party; but a negative attitude that only looks for what's wrong to criticize will have a miserable time every day. 

O my Father, You are so good. You want to give us so much good, so many good things to prosper us so we can enjoy Your goodness. Help us, Father, to believe You, to believe in Your goodness and Your desire to bless us. Teach us how to rely on You instead of our own inventiveness to make our lives pleasant and enjoyable and fun. 

As our Father, You enjoy watching our enjoyment, just as I as a parent enjoy seeing my children enjoying life. And You have given us so much abundance in this Earth for us to enjoy. 

But You have also given us Yourself! And I want to enjoy You above my enjoyment of Your gifts. You are my prize. You Yourself are far more than anything and everything You give to me. 

I find it incredible that You would love me so much, even knowing how I am but dust. Why You would send Your own most precious, Your Son, to be my personal Sacrifice, to wash me white as snow, perfect, as though I'd never sinned, so I could live with You where You live--this is beyond my capacity to understand. That You would want to be with me, and me with You. Totally amazing! 

When I think about all this, I just want to worship You with everything that is in me. I want to shout, and dance, and sing, and do all the overt, in-your-face stuff that is too much for anyone else but You! 

And I will spend eternity giving You all the praise, all the worship, all the honor, all the blessing and worthiness and riches that all belong to You, and You alone. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!