Ephesians 3: 16, 21
I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will give you mighty inner strength through His Holy Spirit. ... By His mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we could ever ask for, or even be able to imagine.
God will perform all of His good plans that He devised before He created anything. He has sent His own Son to be our individual Sacrifice (see Leviticus 1) as well as the corporate, national Sacrifice (the Day of Atonement, Leviticus 23:27). The animals that were sacrificed then showed what Jesus would complete as Messiah, and more: Jesus poured out God's own Blood at Calvary; infinitely valuable, more than enough to pay the sin-debt of every person who ever lived (but not all are willing to accept His sacrifice as their own), and He purchased the whole World and the Universe.
So we all belong to Him by both creation and purchase; and those who have accepted His payment for them, by Redemption, also. The same Power that raised Jesus from the dead is His Holy Spirit that has taken up residence in our spirits, making our dead human spirits alive. So this mighty power (dynamite) that is at work in us is how God accomplishes His will in and through us.
God's resources are unlimited. His Goodness is our standard for Rightness (His Righteousness), and His Love is Who He is ("God is love," I John 4:8). Everything God does comes from His Love--both blessings and vengeance, equally passionate and righteous.
His Love blesses us, gives us His work to do, gives us success in everything He accomplishes in and through us; and also judges His enemies, frustrating all their plans and schemes, causing them to be caught in their own traps set for the innocent (Esther 7:9-10 is a good example of this).
What I have learned about God's great Plan of the Ages for the portion of His creation we know about, is for Him to show His power and authority over it all by allowing sin to enter, causing chaos, misery and death; then Himself providing the remedy for sin by removing it with His own Blood, and calling out for Himself a people of every tribe, nation and language to be His own Family forever. He will wrap up all the details at the end of His 1000-year Reign in this World when the whole Earth explodes (II Peter 3:10) and the Universe implodes (see Science). Then He will "make all things new" by creating a new Heaven (Universe) and a new Earth, all based on a "new order" of being.
The First Law of Thermodynamics (the basis of all Science) is Conservation of Matter, which is that what is, is, no more can be made and none can be annihilated, only change form. This is Creation. What God has made, is.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is Entropy, that all matter proceeds from Order to Chaos. This is the curse that sin brought to God's creation. Now everything winds down, wears out and dies.
When our Lord makes all things new, the new creation will not be subject to sin, death will have been destroyed, and all those who have rebelled against our good God will be consigned to the Lake of Fire, which is outside our Universe.
And He has determined that we would be His hands and feet to do His work in His power, and He will even reward us for it! Amazing!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!