
Sunday, May 27, 2018


Hebrews 2: 17

... To make propitiation for the sins of the people.

"Propitiation" (pro-pit-chee-ay-shun) is a big, technical word. It refers to God's wrath being fully satisfied for sin. 

What God has made, is. It cannot be destroyed or annihilated, nor can it be added to. It just is.

Sin is taking the good that God as made and changing its form into what is twisted or upside down or other than the good it was made to be, rendering it evil. 

Jesus took on sin on the Cross; the Creator taking what was damaged and repairing and restoring it back to the good it was originally intended to be. This is how He removes our sins and cleanses us.

He is the catalyst that accomplishes all the restoration and renewing. Just as He said, "I make all things new."

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!