
Monday, December 28, 2015

Truth Or Myth?

Isaiah 29:13-14

The Lord says, "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship Me in vain; their teaching are but rules taught by men. Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."

So many churches in America today could be described by this passage. They teach that our God of Truth has put myths in His Word, because Science and Scientists have "proven" that these Old Testament stories can't possibly be true because there is no "evidence" that they really happened. They're only stories told to try to illustrate a "truth" in the spiritual realm.

If these stories of Adam and Eve, of Noah and the Ark, of The Exodus, of Jonah and the Great Fish are not historical events recorded accurately, then all of Jewish and Christian religion is a farce, and Jesus was either deceived into believing them as true or lied in accommodating His teachings to the erroneous beliefs of His listeners. 

And if the Old Testament stories aren't literal truth, then are the New Testament stories also myths? Did Jesus really live as a historical person, did He really die and rise from the dead? Do we have a living hope, or are we just wishing that everything will turn out okay in the end? 

Then there are also those today who think of themselves as "the Intelligentsia;" they are full of this world's knowledge and wisdom, and they worship themselves as man-gods. They think that they can have agape love without God at all, Who is Love. Without God there would be no love at all, only ego and hatred. They are fooling themselves. 

But if everything written in the Bible really is True, if it is Science that is looking for evidence in the wrong place, or the wrong time frame; if we really can trust God to be Almighty, Creator, and Author of Truth; then our hope can be sure, we can trust that what He said happened in the past really did happen, and what He said will happen in the future really will happen, and that He will keep all the promises He gave to His people, just as He said it will happen. 

So Jesus will return to the Earth to reign as King Jesus over the whole world, and His promises to Israel to be the head, not the tail will be fulfilled, and the World will experience its Golden Age. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!