
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Adoption As Sons

Ephesians 1: 5-6 

He predestined us 

This refers to the final destination God has planned for us to reach. 

to adoption as sons 

This will take a little explaining. The word translated adoption here, huoithesia, does not refer to what we consider to be the definition of the word. This concept refers to the Roman legal pronouncement of a child, either born or taken into the family by other means, to be the responsible adult who has been prepared and is ready to assume authority in the family business to sign contracts and receive profits.

We are also "adopted" into His family in the sense that we were born into the human family first, then brought into God's family. But it means so much more than this. We are actually "born again" spiritually into His family, rather than just pronounced judicially as His children, as an "adoption" would mean.

This means that the final destination God has destined us for is to have the responsibility to manage His family business, His Kingdom.

through Jesus Christ to Himself, 

We will be sitting in the throne, the authority, of Jesus Christ who is King, who sits in His Father's throne, who has given Him His authority to be Lord over all creation. 

according to the kind intention of His will, 

In His incomparable, unconditional Love for us, He has always intended that we would be His own children, to allow us to fail and to rescue us and cleanse us and grow us up. He planned it all from before the beginning.

to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. 

God wanted to give us all the benefits of this, and to accomplish it all for us in His glorious grace, which He lavished on us freely. He could do this because He places His own Spirit in us, causing us to be born spiritually into His family, as brothers and sisters to the Son of God, the Beloved. So we also, as His body and His bride, are in the Beloved, and God the Father Loves us as He Loves the Son. 

This is something that I cannot fathom, I just cannot get my puny mind around this eternal fact. That God Himself would consider me as precious as God the Son is something that is far beyond my comprehension. But it is something that I can enjoy, and trust that He will bring it about, so I can see the Light at the end of the tunnel!

This gives me hope that no matter what is going on in my life right now, even if life is pressing into me on all sides, I still can lift my head and keep on keeping on, placing my hand into His and following in His footsteps on the path He led me into, my feet firmly planted on the Rock of my Salvation.

O my Father, You alone are my Source and my Supply of everything I have and need to have and know and be able to do. It is Your power and Your ability that You have given me, so that I will be able do Your will, according to Your plan and Your design; to accomplish all Your tasks as Your hands and feet, so that the praise of the glory will all redound upon You alone. 

Father, You have seen the end from the beginning, and no one is able to thwart Your plan. You will do everything You want to do, and it will all be finished perfectly, just as You want. And You are so good and gracious and generous, that You will reward us for what You are doing through us, giving us the joys and enjoyment of Your great bounty. 

And Your house will be filled, every place at Your grand Banquet Table will be occupied; and we will enjoy the fellowship of feasting with You forevermore! 

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, Son of the Father, sovereign King over all Creation; to the eternal glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen. 

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!