
Saturday, September 8, 2018

God's Program For Israel

Ezekiel 36: 21-23

God is concerned for His holy Name being profaned by Israel, so He will vindicate the holiness of My great Name ... when I prove Myself holy among you in their sight.

36: 24-38

Now He tells them how he will regather them from all the Nations into which they had been scattered, into their own land. Then (at some later time?) He will regenerate them, cleansing them, giving them a new heart, and His own Spirit; then they will obey Him and God will again bless them and multiply their numbers. And everyone will know that He is Lord (Boss). 

Chapter 37

The "Valley of the Dry Bones;" the reuniting of the two kingdoms, northern Israel and southern Judah, under one King, David('s successor--Jesus).

God shared with Ezekiel His plan for His people Israel, all 12 Tribes, not just the two or the ten. He had this prophet write down for us to read today, what He will do with this People that He chose so long ago. 

When God gets tired of His great Name being profaned because of the state of His "chosen people," He says that He will vindicate His reputation as God by bringing all of Israel from all the Nations where they have been scattered back to their own Land. 

We see this today, that Hebrew people from all over the World are coming back to that tiny piece of real estate they originally had, and they are even recognized by the other Nations as Israel. 

So the first part of this prophesy has been fulfilled in our day. Now we look for God to draw these Israelis to Himself for Salvation in their promised Messiah, and for this Messiah to return to this Earth to reign over them as their King. 

Jesus was born of Mary, who traced her lineage back to King David through his son Nathan; and His legal father, Joseph, the husband of Mary, traced his lineage back to King David through the regal line of kings. Impressive. 

Since the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. when all the genealogical records were burned, only God knows the identities of the members of the 12 Tribes of Israel today. 

I am constantly amazed by the accuracy of God's Word when speaking of events and happenings that would not take place until hundreds of years later, down to tiniest details! God really is God, knowing all things because He is the One doing them. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!