
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Believing You Will Receive

Matthew 7: 7-8

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.

For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

Matthew 21: 22

And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.

God has designed this Earth for us to live here and thrive. He put into it everything we will ever need in this World to live and prosper and enjoy His provisions. 

It's all based on faith. We believe the chair we are about to sit in is adequate to bear our weight, so we trust it to do so when we sit. Just believing is a "head faith," but taking the action to sit down shows our trust. 

This is how God wants us to trust Him. Not just say we believe He can, but taking the actions based on that belief to trust that He will hear and work out the answer. 

We are to ask: To know what we want and ask out loud with our voice to Him. Or just to silently ask, specifically and confident that He will answer.

We are to seek: Don't just sit there and wait for it to come, go after it.

We are to knock: We need to do the work involved to make it happen. In His power.

And all through this process, we must trust Him to love us that much as our Daddy to give us all the good gifts He wants us to have from Him. Then He gets the thanks and the honor and glory and credit for doing what He has done.

The World has gotten hold of this faith principle. They say to just ask the "Universe" with confidence. But this robs God of the credit He deserves to have set up the World to work this way. 

O my Father, thank You so much for all Your goodness and compassion to us. Thank You for loving us more than we can imagine. Father, You know us; You know all our faults and insufficiencies and failings. And You love us anyway. 

O Father, You love us so much that You gave Your very best, Your own Son, to be our Sacrifice, to wash us so clean to be pristine in Your sight, white as snow, as though we'd never sinned. That is how we have Your invitation to live with You in Your perfect Heaven. 

And giving Your most valuable, how could You not give us the lesser gifts, the things of this World that we need (Matthew 7:8-11)? And Your Holy Spirit to guide us in our attitudes and actions? Thank You so much, my dear Daddy, for granting me the gift of saving faith, and for growing my trust in You through studying Your Word, Your love-letter to me! You are so good to me! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!