My Apologies
I must apologize for my rush to pronounce a fact something that may not be.
I have been taught by highly respected Bible scholars, and I sometimes disagree with them, and I sometimes just swallow whole what they have said, without a lot of personal research to determine if what they said is really True.
I suppose it is my pride that will do this, thinking that I am somebody when I am a nobody in the World. Only God considers me a V.I.P.--in His family and in His Family Business, His Kingdom.
So I must confess that I shared that the Mary who was the mother of James and Joseph could be Jesus' own mother, without also showing that she could be another Mary who was the wife of Cleophas and the mother of James the Less and Joseph.
I've done some research and am impressed that "James the Less" is one of the Twelve Apostles, and is the brother of the Apostle Jude, the son of Alphaeus.
So "James the Just" would be the brother of Jesus, who didn't believe in Him until after His Resurrection, but who then became the leader of the church at Jerusalem, and who probably wrote the Epistle of James.
And I'm sorry I didactically proclaimed that the Epistle of Jude was written by the brother of Jesus. I don't know that for a certainty, but I suspect it is so. He calls himself "the brother of James" who is understood as being James the Just, the leader of the Jerusalem church. So if James the Just is the brother of Jesus, then Jude is also the brother of Jesus. But, like I said, there is not total certainty of that.
Please forgive me for my indiscretions and my eagerness to promote my own knowledge, even before I did my own sufficient research.
I call on all of you, my readers, to not just take what I say as Gospel, but to do your own research to make sure that what I say really is according to Scripture, before you swallow it whole, as I did.
I am always open to other views on what God is really saying to us, and I appreciate that He is so gracious with me in the weakness of my flesh.
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And may God receive all the credit and glory for all of our readings and studyings and researchings and seekings and prayers.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.