Job 26: 7-8
He stretches out the Heavens over empty space, and hangs the Earth on nothing whatsoever. He holds the waters in His thick clouds, and the clouds don't split under its weight.
Some science here:
People used to believe that great pillars held up the Earth, or that Atlas held it on his shoulders, or some other support. But we know now that it really is suspended in "empty space."
And all the moisture in the clouds that hasn't rained down yet is very heavy, yet the clouds don't split or fall down with the weight, because, "A way to illustrate the relative lightness of clouds is to compare the total mass of a cloud to the mass of the air in which it resides. Consider a hypothetical but typical small cloud at an altitude of 10,000 feet, comprising one cubic kilometer and having a liquid water content of 1.0 gram per cubic meter. The total mass of the cloud particles is about 1 million kilograms, which is roughly equivalent to the weight of 500 automobiles. But the total mass of the air in that same cubic kilometer is about 1 billion kilograms--1,000 times heavier than the liquid!" [Scientific American].
Job most likely lived in the second millennium B.C. or earlier, before Moses or the Law. Even if the book was written later, Job still had knowledge of the Natural World that was accurate according to modern Science.
How can that be?
It's because the God Who made it so was still known in Job's day, and He caused His Truth to be recorded in this ancient manuscript.
Job lived not many years after Adam and Noah lived, so the people who wanted to know God did. It was later that all the other theories were recorded.
So God's Truth does not change, even though man's theories constantly change. True Science always is the search for God's Truth in the Natural World.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!