
Thursday, June 25, 2020

And Deacons Too

I Timothy 3: 8-13

Paul has just given an extensive list of qualifications for the elders and overseers of the congregation, now he will discuss the next office, deacons.

We find the first prototype of this in Acts 6: 2, when the apostles appoint men who will tend to the material needs of the church, while the apostles devote their time to the spiritual needs of the people.

(8) Deacons likewise

Deacons are diakonos, "servants," and are likewise to have similar qualifications to the pastors and overseers.

Now we'll see the specific character traits these men must have to serve.

must be men of dignity,

These men also must be "worthy of respect," using the word semnos. No English word exactly conveys the meaning of this Greek word, as it combines the thoughts of both gravity and dignity, both of seriousness of purpose and self-respect in conduct. I see this as the royal attitude of God's children.

not double-tongued,

This is saying one thing to one person, and something else to someone else. Two-faced, insincere. Very detrimental to the life of the church.

or addicted to much wine

The same term used for the elders. Same standard.

or fond of sordid gain,

Not looking for how to make a buck, not focused on monetary remuneration, nor willing to do whatever is necessary to supplement their income. This is greed.

(9) but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.

Here is the good conscience again. Without a conscience that has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus and kept pure over time, it is very difficult to hold to the Truth of what we believe without slipping, the mystery of the faith that God has revealed in the Gospel.

(10) These men must also first be tested;

This Greek verb, dokimazo, has three stages: (1) test, (2) prove by testing, (3) approve as the result of testing. All three are most likely in mind here. Paul says that before men were to be accepted as deacons they had to prove themselves before the community.

then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach.

Then they could serve in the position of deacons, if they are found to be irreproachable (anenkletos, "not called to account"). If they passed the test.

(11) Women must likewise

These women could be either the wives of the deacons, or, later, other single women who served as deaconesses. Either way, they also were required to measure up.

be dignified,

Here is the royal child of God attitude and demeanor again.

not malicious gossips,

This is diabolos, "slanderous, accusing falsely," "slanderers." This word with the definite article is translated "the devil" thirty-five times in the New Testament, and is what Judas is called in John 6: 70.

This is a very serious warning that is still needed in the church today. Gossip has continually been a problem even in God's church in every generation. It's so easy to want to pass along a juicy tidbit, when we are neither part of the problem nor part of the solution being discussed. This bad habit can destroy a congregation.

but temperate,

Instead, the women should also have the same temperance as the men, this is not a character quality that has any gender limits.

faithful in all things.

This is a comprehensive requirement. Church workers must not be negligent in any of their duties, whether in their service for the Lord, their work in the church or even in their homes and secular jobs they may hold.

(12) Deacons must be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households.

This is the same standard as the elders and overseers.

(13) For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing

This high standing or rank that these faithful workers are gaining for themselves now would mean great respect in the eyes of the church, and also in God's sight.

and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

This is great assurance in trusting that what they believe is the true faith in Christ Jesus our Lord, and is a precious joyousness and confidence in our Lord. It is a proving that what God has promised, He will deliver and fulfill.

O my Father, those of your children who have been given so much to share, will be accountable for all You have entrusted to them, and they will also receive rewards for all that they have faithfully ministered and administered (Luke 12: 48 and II Chronicles 15:7).

O Father, strengthen all of Your children to do the work of a royal child of the King, to accept the authority given to us and to discharge all of our duties and responsibilities in faithfulness and diligence. Help us all to keep our witness pure and to have the boldness of confidence in the trustworthiness of Your message of love for the whole world.

Father, I really appreciate that You are perfect! You are our Source and our Standard. Everything we need You have already given us, and every judgment we need to make in our daily lives, we have You to measure our decision by. WWJD.

My Father, please send us out as Your messengers, Your missionaries; send all of us out into the world, so that every living person will be able to hear and understand and discern enough of Your Truth to seek You, and to receive the gracious and generous gift of Salvation that You offer to the human race, to be Your children, to be washed in the blood of the Lamb, and be Redeemed into Your Kingdom.

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!