I John 5: 16-17
If anyone sees his brother committing sin not to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not to death. There is sin to death; I do not say that he should make request for this. All unrighteousness is sin, and there is sin not to death.
This has been a very enigmatic puzzle of a verse for me, that I have thought on and prayed about for some time.
I can only think it means that if a friend has a habitual sin (an addiction), but they haven't died yet, then we are to pray for him.
But someone who has already died in his addiction will not be resuscitated no matter how hard we pray for him, his earthly life is over.
Since all sin leads to death, and no one gets out of this life without dying because we've all sinned; then this "sin not to death" must refer to someone who hasn't died yet. There is still hope that they will turn to God and turn their life around.
I know that had God not found me and rescued me when He did, then I would have died long ago, because my lifestyle at that time was very unhealthy and dangerous. God turned me around completely that day.
So someone who is continually committing a sin that will lead to an early death still has hope, because they haven't died yet; so we are to pray for that brother and share with him if we have the opportunity to talk to him, and God can rescue him, too.
I have seen impossible situations miraculously turned around, when there was no Earthly reason it would be, when God stepped in and worked His wonders in the life and situation. So no one is too far gone if they haven't died yet.
I've even seen an old woman with dementia and no short-term memory finally admit that she deserved death, and let Jesus take her place on the Cross one morning. And that evening, she remembered it as "long ago," because God put that decision directly into her long-term memory. Nothing is too hard for God.
So as long as someone is breathing, God still has purpose for them, and can even save them.
Don't write off anyone. Even in a long-term addiction, even having rejected God for many years, even someone with Alzheimers! There's still hope. Do not neglect to pray for them!
O my Father, I know that You are Almighty God, You can do everything You want to do, no one can hinder you or thwart Your plans. You do everything well, you always finish what you start, and You will receive all the credit when this movie is over.
You alone deserve all the glory, all the honor; You will be praised and admired throughout all eternity for Your greatness and Your goodness; for Your mercies and grace, for your patience and perseverance and faithfulness.
Because You alone are God!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!