
Friday, August 10, 2018

Equal Before The Law

Numbers 15: 14-16

Suppose foreigners are visiting you or living among you in future generations. If they bring an offering by fire, a soothing aroma to the Lord, they must do as you do. 
There is one law for the whole assembly: for you and foreigners who are living with you. It is a permanent law for future generations. As far as the Lord is concerned, you and foreigners are the same.
The instructions and rules are the same for you as well as foreigners who are living with you.

God's intention from the very beginning was to bring to Himself people from all Nations, not just Israelites. God chose Israel to be the ones through whom His Law, His Word would be delivered to the rest of the World: "To the Jew first, and also to the gentile." 

God established the order of authority, those who were responsible to teach and care for others: Moses and Aaron, then the Priesthood, then the Levites, the heads of the rest of the tribes of Israel, then the Nations of the World. 

When Korah, with Dathan and Abiram and On and 250 leaders of the congregation tried to usurp the authority of the priests and Moses and Aaron, defying the order of authority that God had established, they paid with their lives--an example for the rest (Numbers 16:1-40).

O my Father, You are serious; You must be taken seriously. Those who disrespect You by taking You lightly and disregarding Your Word and ways will not escape judgment.

Yet You offer Redemption to all equally. "The ground is level at the foot of the Cross." We are all born into sin, and we all commit sins, so we all deserve death. That's why You sent Your Son, that's why Jesus came: to fulfill those Laws carved in stone and written on parchment--to take our death upon Himself for each one of us, so that He can give us His own life, the Holy Spirit, and be cleansed to live with You where You are, forever.

Thank You, Father, for Your Love and Your faithfulness and Your beauty. Thank You for Your compassion and mercy, as well as Your Justice and righteousness.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!