Psalm 119: 43
Do not snatch Your Word of Truth from me, for Your regulations are my only hope.
God's regulations, His rules by which He created this Earth, are all the natural laws we know by science. True science is the search for the Creator's Truth in how His creation operates and works. And all creation abides by and obeys these laws.
God's moral, spiritual laws are just as binding. The only "problem" is that God gave Mankind a free will to choose whether he will obey or not. If he obeys, he experiences all the benefits God put here for us; if he disobeys, then he will know what trouble is, what sorrow is, what regret and shame feel like.
God's laws, natural and spiritual, cannot be broken; we can only break ourselves on them. And we have. We are all broken people. We all have been hurt and wounded by our fellow man, and we have also hurt and wounded them back. Hurt people will hurt people.
But God's regulations are our only hope! If we just turn around, we will find Jesus with His arms open, ready to take us into His warm embrace!
Our natural propensity is to want to make our own decisions. We're smart, we can do whatever we want to do, we can be our own gods. We have fallen into the lies of the devil, to be deceived by him. It seems easier than to "toe the line." The darkness seems safer than the Light, and we all have hearts that want to hide.
But when we step into God's Light, into the Truth that we are all the criminals that deserve execution, and Jesus came to take our death upon Himself, then our eyes will be opened to see spiritual Truth. He fulfilled all the letter of the Old Testament Law, including the first sacrifice (Leviticus chapter 1), the personal sacrifice, that required each individual to bring his animal to the priest, put his hand on its head (conferring his sins onto the calf, kid or lamb), then the priest would sacrifice it on the altar, dying in the place of the person, and splash its blood on the sides of the altar to cover those sins.
Jesus is our Lamb of God, the perfect Sacrifice, to take my place and your place in death, His precious Blood splashed onto the sides of His altar the Cross, to not just cover but to actually wash away our sins! His is the "atoning" sacrifice, to completely and fully take away all our sins. When He said "It is finished" from the Cross, the word He used was the bookkeeping term that was written across a contract that said "Paid in Full!"
When our eyes are opened to see God's ways, then we will understand how God designed all of His creation to function. And He based all these commandments and regulations on Love. The greatest commandment is to love God, and the second is to love one another. All the other laws are based on this Love principle.
Even governments over societies are to govern by these ideas, to love the people in doing what is best for the common person, instead of subjecting them to a slavery that will enrich the top while it impoverishes the people.
Our only hope is for each person, each family, each neighborhood, each town and city and county and state, and even our Nation, and every Nation to look at History to see what has actually worked in the past for the populace, to recognize that God's ways are the best program to implement, as Israel did partially for a time, and as America was founded upon.
When Israel followed God's rules, they knew peace and prosperity. And when America began, she grew to become the foremost power in the World, with great peace and great prosperity.
But, like Israel, the enemy came in and snatched the Truth from the minds of the people, subjecting them to his deceptions, and Israel was destroyed, her people dispersed into all the other Nations of the World. And America is also in danger of destruction, just like her sister.
So our only hope as individuals for our personal lives and our Nation in our national life really is to turn back to God's ways.
O my Father, I pray for my family members, my friends, and my Nation. I pray that You would open all our eyes to see Your ways. Father, be the Hound of Heaven to pursue my loved ones and the leaders of my Nation to draw them to Yourself, to teach them Your ways, and to work Your miracle of Salvation in their lives. So they will seek Your Face and want to learn Your ways, to love You and to love others as they love themselves. And to live their lives according to Your Love, to do the righteous works that promote Your Kingdom and to govern us making every decision according to Your Truth and Your ways for us all.
And You, Father, will receive all the credit, the glory for having designed it so and worked out Your plan in Your time.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!