Monday, February 6, 2017

A Blank Check

II Chronicles 1:7

That night God appeared to Solomon and said, "What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!"

God offered Solomon a blank check, to fill out however way he wanted. He could have asked for popularity among his people, he could have asked for great riches and fame in the world, he could have asked for anything! 

We know that Solomon asked God to give him wisdom, to be able to rule this great people that belonged to God in the right way. God was pleased that he was more concerned for his people than in his own welfare, and whenever we put others before our own pleasure or prosperity or convenience, then God is also pleased with us. God granted Solomon's request, and Solomon became famous throughout that world for his wisdom, bringing the Queen of Sheba to satisfy her own curiosity, and surpassing all the stories she had heard. And God also gave Solomon such great riches that no king since him has been able to equal his wealth, and the prosperity of his Nation Israel under his rule. Also, God granted him peace among all the other Nations of his world, so that no one tried to invade or conquer him to take their riches.

We are also given a blank check, to ask what we want, and have our requests granted (John 15:7). Whenever we order our own lives and views and attitudes according to God's ways as taught us in His Word, then we will be cooperating with how God designed this World to work, and we will benefit in His blessings, and be a blessing to others in our world. Then we will be doing the work God planned for us before the foundations of the World were laid, to assist in God's Plan of the Ages to progress in our time toward that final culmination. 

David and Solomon and Saint Paul all did their part in working out God's Plan in their time, and now it's our time to do our part. May each of us continue to seek God's Face and His ways in our thinking processes and desires, and accomplish all He has planned for us to do.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!