
Thursday, March 15, 2018

To Discern

I Kings 3: 3, 5 & 9

God is so generous! He offered Solomon a blank check: Ask what you wish me to give you (v. 5).

Since Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of his father David (v. 3), he was concerned for his being able to govern this great people. So he asked for an understanding heart to judge Thy people to discern between good and evil (v. 9).

This pleased God, that his focus was on the people, rather than on himself and his own welfare. So God gave him unrivaled wisdom, and it resulted in great riches and honor and peace.

O my Father, I realize that financial wealth, an upstanding reputation and popularity, and heartfelt peace and happiness all are results, consequences of knowing You and following Your ways: how You determined this World to operate and function. When we listen to You and obey Your rules and regulations, realizing that this is how we love one another, then Your blessings of this World will flow into our lives. 

And when we love You, in response to how You have loved us, then You will draw us to Yourself, teaching us Who You are, to the extent of our brain power to understand. And when we continue to seek You, then You extend and expand our capacity to know You in that personal, passionate, and intimate way You love us. 

Father, thank You for showing us David's and Solomon's lives in order to teach us how they followed You, and the results that come of following Your ways. And also the consequences of not following Your laws, transgressing Your Law.

Help me, Father, to always consider You and Your ways, and Your love for me, in every decision, every choice I make every moment of every day. Help me to "practice the presence of God," as Brother Andrew learned. 

And keep me in Your precious Hand, wrapped in Your warm embrace, Daddy, until You send Your Son, my Lord Jesus, to return to this broken World.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!