Sunday, March 12, 2017

Treasured His Words

Job 23:10-12

But He knows where I am going, and when He tests me, I will come out as pure as gold. For I have stayed on God's paths; I have followed His ways and not turned aside. I have not departed from His commands, but have treasured His words more than daily food.

May we all, each one of us, be able to pray this prayer as Job testified; to have the confidence he did, even in the midst of all his suffering; that he was not in denial of any sin, but had honesty and fearlessly examined his own life and attitudes and motives and found them pure and righteous, according to all that God had revealed at that time. It was no easier for Job to live transparently than it is for me, or any of us. 

I am far more knowledgeable of God and His ways and His Plan of the Ages than Job was, so I am far more accountable; I also have God's strength in His Holy Spirit given to me, dwelling in me, as Job did not. So I have no excuse.

Dear Father, help me to really do what I know I must do, not just say I will. Strengthen me to live an honest, transparent life before You and in the sight of all Mankind.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!