
Monday, December 11, 2017

The Lord's Power And Authority

Exodus 14: 31

And when Israel saw the great power which the Lord had used against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and they believed in the Lord and in His servant Moses.

God had shown His great power not only against the Egyptians, but also for Israel, in parting the Sea, giving them dry ground to walk on with the water standing as a wall on both sides of them as they passed through. In one night the sea-bed dried out. 

But when the Egyptian army came into that path, it got so soggy for them that their chariot wheels were mired in it. Then the Sea came back over them, as it had been before; the walls of water collapsed! What a dramatic picture!

I think it was even grander than Cecil B. DeMille showed it in his old movie. The best stories have always come from God's Word.

And the people gained a great reverential respect (fear) for the Lord and His power and authority, and all their doubts left as their faith grew. And they trusted Moses as God's spokesman.

God did everything He could for His people, and won them over. But how temporary their faith turned out to be.

God has always gone to extraordinary lengths on our behalf. His love for us has to be so far beyond anything we can imagine, to have taken such wonderful care to show Himself to His people over and over again throughout all of human history on this Earth. 

From walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden, to all the miracles and prophesies in the past, culminating in sending His only Son to be with us where we are, in order to complete the work necessary to cleanse us and make us fit and suitable and able to be with Him where He is with the Father. And giving us His own Spirit of Truth to live in our spirits, making them alive, to keep us faithful to Him, so we have no excuse for backsliding. 

Now all the glory, all the credit for everything that is done, and all the praise and honor and riches belong only to Him, our Lord God Almighty, Creator and Maker and owner of everything that exists. And having purchased for Himself all that is under the curse, to judge and remake it all finally perfect for all eternity.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!