
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Himself In All The Scriptures

Luke 24: 27, 32, 45

And beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them all the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.

And they said to one another, Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.

How wonderful it had to have been to have the Lord, Himself, walk with them, explaining all the Scriptures, and show how they all tell one story. Their hearts were burning within them to understand the magnificent ways of God.

Now Jesus has given each of us -- even me -- His own Holy Spirit of Truth to open our minds to understand the Scriptures. And sometimes I almost feel overwhelmed with the enormity and expanse of all the knowledge God has put into His written Word!

Just these 66 Books we have cover Time from before Creation until this Universe has run it's course, and a hint of the next one to come after it.

His unfathomable Love is the engine, the driving force, behind everything He has planned and is doing. And He will never be done! 

Even when this Earth is done and gone along with the World we have built on it, there will be a New Earth with a New Heaven for it to exist in. And after that, some other, then another, and more after that, and again, and again, forever and ever! Wow! With every Universe different from every other before and after it. Our God loves a variety! And He is infinitely creative.

And at every step, at every sunrise, and at every sunset, His Name is praised! Because it is all His: His idea, His Plan, His power, His authority, and His work. No one else anywhere at any Time can call Him to account or question anything He has done. He is God, there is no other. 

And we are all accountable to Him. He made us, He owns us, He rules over us and determines our days. And He has told us and shown us everything we need to know and do to live, to prosper, and to please Him. He will even reward us for doing what He empowers us to do, because of His unexplainable Love. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!