Proverbs 25: 12
Like an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear.
We need to watch our words. Our words come from our attitudes. Our attitudes come from what we believe. So we are admonished to, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." Another version calls it the "issues of life" (Proverbs 4:23).
Golden earrings and ornaments are very beautiful as well as valuable. For our words to be valuable and beautiful, we need God's wisdom. We gain God's wisdom from His Word.
But no matter how desirable and beneficial our advice is, it can only be received by an ear that is listening. We waste our words on those who have no desire to hear us.
So we also need His discernment to determine who is ready to hear the reproof we have to offer.
It can all be a very delicate situation, when dealing with close family members or friends we value.
O my Father, You dealt with me with such gentleness and compassion. Please teach me how to display that same gentleness and compassion toward those dear to me who are harming themselves and others. Strengthen me to face the opposition and, having done all, to stand.
And soften the hearts of the hearers to hear Your Words, to understand Your ways, and to accept Your reproof. Whether You will use me or another of Your children to confront them, please do confront them to turn them around, to repent of the evil they have been believing and turn to Your beautiful Truth.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!