Numbers 11
This is the chapter that relates how the people got tired of only manna three times every day, so God sent them quail. God brought all these birds "out of the blue"! God can do anything!
But the people still suffered the consequences of their refusal to accept God's gracious provision. They just really found it hard to trust Him.
Psalm 78: 23-25 says, He gave command to the skies above and opened the doors of the Heavens; He rained down manna for the people to eat, He gave them the Grain of Heaven. Men ate the bread of angels; He sent them all the food they could eat.
The people still ate the manna; they could prepare it in all kinds of different ways, and it tasted good, like fresh olive oil, or honey wafers. It met all their nutritional needs, and it didn't cost them anything, either (vs. 7-8).
But they weren't satisfied with Angels' Food bread.
How often do we think we can take care of ourselves without God, or what He's already provided isn't good enough? How often do we complain, and overlook all the good He has already given us? Whatever we focus on becomes larger in our view, and will fill our vision; everything else just fades into the background.
That's why God wants us to control our own thoughts and attitudes, to focus on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or worthy to be praised (Philippians 4:8). When we're focused on thanking Him for all the blessings He showers on us every day, then all the unpleasant and negative stuff will fade into the background.
We won't end up as Pollyannas, but we will have a more positive outlook on life. And if we all had a more positive outlook, we'd be more pleasant to be around. I think this is why, "have a nice day!" got to be such a popular good bye.
When we have a positive, thankful attitude toward God, He will continue to bless us with more. But if we choose to focus on the problems, the deficiencies, the wrong stuff; then the good things will fade and our vision will be filled with the negative, and we won't even be looking for things to get better.
So God sent the quail, so many that they got sick of quail!
And God still sent the manna, all the years they wandered in the desert, and even when they entered the Promised Land, until they harvested their first crop (Joshua 5:12).
But even with all these miracles, the people still didn't really trust Him, they kept getting pulled away by every opinion out there.
Let us not get distracted by all the allures of this World. God is God, and there is none other even similar to Him. He is our Source of everything we need to live and prosper and have fun.
When we follow His ways, we will reap and harvest His good crop of virtues and good times, and the freedom to enjoy them. Until He comes.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!