Romans 5:6,8-9
You see, at just the right time, --
God's timing is always perfect.
when we were still powerless, --
We never have had nor will have the power to save ourselves from the consequences of our own poor choices.
Christ died for the ungodly. --
Jesus Christ, the righteous One, the only sinless One; paid the sinner's debt, the human death we all deserve, in our place, substituted for each one of us.
But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: --
God the Father loves each one of us, we all have been made by Him, and He loves everything and everyone He made. This is how He shows us His love.
While we were still sinners, --
While we were still God's enemies.
Christ died for us.
Jesus Christ took upon Himself Death. Death he did not deserve, but we do. A debt He did not owe, but we do. He did this for each one of us, individually, as well as corporately, for all of us and the whole Universe we live in. And by actually dying, going through Death itself, He conquered it, He gained the victory over it, proved by His Resurrection.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!