
Friday, June 1, 2018

Cheering His Victory

Isaiah 55: 12

For you will go out with joy, and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

Wow! The mountains and hills and trees will cheer and applaud our victory, just like (or even more than) the fans cheer and applaud their sports team!

Whatever great accomplishment we think we can do, God can always do better—He gave us the abilities we have to do whatever we’re good at. He is the Source.

He is the progenitor of all life, and He is the Designer and Planner of the Universe. He loves us and wants us to do well and succeed in our lives, just as every parent wants for his children. He has made this Earth for us and put in it everything we need for happiness and success. And He gave us all the rules and precepts that govern how the World operates.

That’s why He wants us to obey His commands. When we live our lives in agreement with His ways, then we are able to experience the bounty He put here for us.

But so many people just don’t understand how much God loves them and have chosen instead to believe the lies of the devil. The devil is our enemy and always tries to convince us that we’re smart, we can make our own decisions, no one can tell us what to do. We are our own god.

When Jesus returns, He will bring with Him “all His holy ones,” all the holy angels and all the saints He has called out of the World. Then He will win the final victory over evil, all the evil people that have opposed Him, and our victory with Christ will prompt the cheering and applause of the Earth that this verse speaks of. His victory will be our victory.

Then He will allow us to help Him set up His Kingdom and rule with Him. And He will fulfill all the rest of the prophesies that have been given to us, to let us know what will happen, and deepen our faith and trust in Him.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!