
Monday, September 17, 2018

Promise Left Unfulfilled

Judges 15: 20

So [Samson] judged Israel twenty years in the days of the Philistines.

I look at Samson's life and I see so such promise there that was left unfulfilled! Samson was highly gifted by God to do great exploits, but he never did seek God in his life to follow His ways, so he did not lead the Israelites in victory, overthrowing their enemy, thus gaining peace. 

At the end if his twenty years Israel was still under the domination of the Philistines. Samson disregarded God's Laws (14:8-9, taking honey from a lion's carcass when the Law stipulated not to eat anything from an animal that was already dead), and he gave in to his own carnal desires; he only ever considered himself, not his Nation or God's plan to free Israel from the Philistine domination.

His lack of moral strength limited his vision to small, temporary, selfish ends, when he could have lifted up his eyes to see how his leadership could have inspired all Israel to follow him in total victory for the whole Nation!

What a difference moral integrity makes! Even with extremely great giftings and abilities, success is elusive and unattainable without the moral strength to rely on God.

O my Father, please strengthen me to use the gifts You have graciously given me to lift up Your Name and further Your Kingdom in this World, rather than benefit only me and mine. I know that You will always provide everything I need from day to day, and You are trustworthy to rely on when I don't see the way. 

Enlarge my boundaries, Father, my vision of what can be accomplished. Help me to see beyond my own tiny world into the Grand Vision You have for the people of this Earth. Lead me, guide me, teach me Your ways to walk in Your paths hand-in-hand with You. Then, as I rely on You, You will work through me to accomplish Your works, which are far beyond my own. 

And I will give You, my Father, all the credit, all the glory for the wonderful things You are accomplishing among us all. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!