Nehemiah 1 & 2
Chapter 1
We are introduced to Nehemiah as a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. This was a very responsible position, to eat and drink some of the king's food to make sure it wasn't poisoned.
When his brother Hanani told him the sad situation in Jerusalem, Nehemiah mourned and prayed.
We have his extensive prayer here: he is confessing the sins of the Nation, numbering himself with his people, even though he personally had never done these things. We have also seen both Ezra (9:5-15) and Daniel (9:13-19) do this. An example we too can follow for our own nation.
Chapter 2
We see Nehemiah's courage in taking his life in his hands, when the king notices that he is sad, because it was against the law to be sad in the king's presence.
Kings in those days had the power of life and death over their subjects, to do whatever they felt like doing, for any and no reason, and were not accountable to anyone else, they were kings.
So when the king asked why he was sad, he had to give him an answer. He made no excuses, but shared his concerns for the hometown of his people.
King Artaxerxes said, essentially, What can I do to help?
This king, Artaxerxes, had at the beginning of his reign (Ezra 4:6), probably while he was still married to Vashti, written to stop the work in Jerusalem (Ezra 4:21). But now it's twenty years into his reign (v. 1), and his queen is now Hadassa (Esther), and he's changed his whole view of these people. His whole attitude is completely turned around, and he now offering this servant of his to help him do what he previously had stopped.
This is when Nehemiah prayed a "popcorn prayer," a spur-of-the-moment "telegram" to God, instead of panicking. He was able to coherently lay out what he would need to take this trip and do what was needed there.
Obviously he had previously thought through his plans, so he was prepared to ask for what he needed. And the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me (v. 8). God had turned around the heart of this foreign king (Proverbs 21:1).
We never have reason to despair over our National leaders. Even when they are evil, and bent on destroying all that we hold dear, God can get a hold of them, and change their hearts, or remove them from their positions of power.
Nothing is too hard for God; He does whatever He wants to do, even more than those kings back then. Our Lord God Almighty will accomplish what no king ever could with this Earth and all that is on it: He is God, there is no other.
O my Father, I praise You for You are good! No king who has ever had power of authority in this World could ever do what You do, Lord. You use these kings, and their authority, to do what You have planned to do.
No mere man, or group of mankind will ever be able to change what You have decreed. Your plans for each one of us, and for all of us together, will be successful, all will be accomplished, Your purposes will be fulfilled.
And I can trust You to always do what is good, and just, and right. I know that Your plans are good. You will give the wicked people what they deserve. And You will redeem Your chosen ones, putting the punishment they each deserve on our Redeemer (that's mercy), so that His Blood will wash them clean--fit to live with You where You are.
And You are so generous, to even reward Your children for doing what You enable them to do! (That's grace.)
Thank You, Father; thank You for being God! Thank You for loving us and teaching us who You are, and how we can cooperate with Your ways, the ways You designed this World to work.
Thank You for putting so much abundance in this Earth for us to enjoy, when we live our lives in obedience to Your rules.
I pray for the leaders in our nations, those who have the power of authority to both enslave us and to free us in liberty. I pray that You work in their hearts, as You did for King Artaxerxes, to do what is beneficial to all those under their care.
That we all will have the freedom to obey Your regulations in working this Earth to have the abundance You put into it for us. Help us to love one another, taking care of each other; and to love this environment, taking care of it, too.
And I pray, Father, that You continue working Your wonderful plans in my life, and in my little world. Continue to teach me Your ways, Abba, and how to love You back. Help me to love You in everything I do, every moment of every day.
And show me how to be Christ to everyone whose life touches mine. Help me to show Your righteousness in all my attitudes, which frame all my words. So that You would be exalted in me, and You will receive all the credit, all the honor and glory, for all You have done.
And every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess Your majesty.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!