Numbers 35: 33
You shall not pollute the land in which you are; for blood pollutes the land and no expiation can be made for the land for the blood that is shed on it, except by the blood of him who shed it.
God is very clear on what He says. When innocents are killed, that blood pollutes the land. There are so many who are responsible and will have to give account for all the innocent blood that has been shed all over the World.
And God's people who are doing nothing about this when they have opportunity to speak out and to rescue the perishing will also give account.
One person can't do everything, but each person can do something. Some are able to do more, and others less, but we all can find something we can do to help the innocents that are being sacrificed to the gods of convenience and avoiding consequences of poor choices.
There is coming and now is, when God's people will be slaughtered for not worshiping false gods. If you ever read Foxe's Book of Martyrs, or just heard about it, there are more martyrs dying and being tortured today than at any other time in History. (Subscribe to The Voice of the Martyrs to learn what's going on now.) This is also innocent blood.
When Jesus fulfills the Feast of Trumpets (I believe that will be the Rapture of the Church), and immediately after (nine days) will cleanse the whole Earth of all that pollutes and destroys it in fulfilment of the Day of Atonement; that is when Jesus will cleanse the land with the blood of those who are responsible for shedding all the innocent blood, in the Battle of Armegeddon (Revelation 16:16; 19:19-21).
The World-wide mega-Earthquake (the Sixth Seal, the Seventh Trumpet, and the Seventh Bowl) will have destroyed all the cities of the World (the Seventh Bowl) and levelled all the mountains, and the subsequent Tsunamis will have overflowed all the islands by then (the sixth Seal and the Seventh Bowl). So the World will need to be rebuilt, and we who are going into the Kingdom will need to live in temporary housing while we rebuild, fulfilling the Feast of Tabernacles (four days after the Day of Atonement).
O my Father, Thank You so much for your Love for all You have created! Your Love put the Order in the Universe. Your Love put a bit of Your Light into our Light-Holder, the Sun, to make this Earth a paradise for us.
Then Your Love was grieved to see all the violence Mankind inflicted on one another, and You started over with Noah. Then You gave Your Law to Moses, so that Your people would be able to follow Your ways and be prosperous, drawing the other Nations to also worship You.
But we couldn't consistently obey Your rules until You sent Your Son to fulfill the Law, so that You could give Your own Holy Spirit to us to live in us, giving us the power and ability to do Your good will for us.
Now, Father, continue to lead us along the path You've put our feet on for each of us; give us the unity of thought and belief and purpose that Jesus prayed for (in John 17:21). And continue to send Your workers into Your fields that are ready for harvest (Matthew 9:37-38).
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!