II Timothy 1: 12
I am not ashamed ... for I know the One in Whom I trust and I am sure that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until the Day of His return.
O my Father, thank You so much for Your wonderful promises; thank You for being a good God Who is faithful and will always do what You have said. Thank You for Your constancy, for never changing, for always being the good, strong, faithful, compassionate God that You are.
Thank You for Your love for me, Your love that pulled me out of the pit I had dug for myself, and placed my feet on that solid Rock that will never be moved. Thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your only Son to take upon Himself my debt of sin, and His willingness to do it.
Thank You for making me Your own, and for that wonderful work that You started in me. Thank You that You will never let me go, but will finish what You began in me on that day; and I will be seen as a glorious trophy of Your grace!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!