
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Elder Qualifications

Titus 1: 5-9

Now Paul gets into the meat of the message.

(5) For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you,

The reason why Paul had Titus to stay in Crete was for him to straighten out these believers, and set up godly men to lead each congregation there. Here are the qualifications he is to look for:

(6) namely, if any man is above reproach,

He must find men who are blameless, unaccused, irreproachable. Having a clean reputation.

the husband of one wife,

This, again, means a "one-woman man," in a polygamous society; not having an eye out for the "next one."

having children who believe,

His little children are to be obedient, and adult children ought to be believers.

not accused of dissipation or rebellion. 

He is not to be able to be accused of profligacy, reckless extravagance, excess, riot; or insubordination or being unruly.

(7) For the overseer must be above reproach as God's steward,

Someone who is to be an example to the flock is to be so respectable and godly that there would be nothing that anyone could find to hold against him.

not self-willed,

He doesn't try to get his own way.

not quick-tempered,

Having patience to hold his temper when provoked.

not addicted to wine,

This is obvious, though it doesn't forbid just one drink or two with a meal.

not pugnacious,

Never throwing the first punch.

not fond of sordid gain,

This is a very common temptation, to focus on "filthy lucre," sordid gain, the almighty dollar.

Now lets look at some positive qualities.

(8) but hospitable,

Hospitality is the opening of the heart and home freely.

loving what is good,

Preferring the righteous rather than living on the edge.


Sanity of mind, sober.


Equitable, having to do with justice in relationships.


Purity from defilement, holy, hallowed, pious, sacred.


Temperate, maintaining control over one's own passions.

(9) holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching,

Firmly believing what is actually true, according to how Paul has presented it.

so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.

Each leader must be both able to teach boldly what is right according to God's Word, and also to be able to counter error effectively.

Leaders must embody the characteristics they want to instill in their followers, and church elders and overseers are to live out the godliness they're teaching the congregation.

These are qualities we all need in our lives, so those we are sitting under are to demonstrate them, so we all can model our responses after them. We in the congregation also need to know these qualities, so that we can find leaders that do embody them, and not be deficient in any.

God had Paul write these to Titus, and include this letter in His written Word, so that we all could learn how to look at our leaders to see if they are embodying these qualities.

O my Father, please help us all to live out these character qualities in our lives, whether we are leaders or simply sit in the congregation. And those of us who are just satisfied to "sit, soak and sour," please build a fire in us to get up and out to the missionary field around us!

O Father, You are so good, and so great. You have planned out Your great Plan of the Ages even before You began to make it, and now You are working our lives out according to Your Plan. Everything we choose, You are using to further along Your Plan, whether our decisions are good or bad, You use it.

And when we decide to live our lives according to Your ways, doing Your work as Your hands and feet, in the power of Your Spirit, then You will reward us!

Father, You are so generous to give us rewards for what You are doing in and through us! It's You doing it, yet You give us the benefit!

My Father, help us all to share Your love with every living person in every nation of the world! Let every one of them know how to accept Your free, gracious and generous gift of Salvation!

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!