Joshua 24:19a, 27, 20
Joshua said to the people, "You are not able to serve the Lord ... " -- Joshua knew the people, he knew that their hearts were fickle. They were very passionate people, and would throw themselves into whatever stirred their passions.
"See!" he said to all the people. "This stone will be a witness against us. It has heard all the words the Lord has said to us. It will be a witness against you if you are untrue to your God." -- Joshua set up a large stone to witness all the people would do, to remind them of their determination to serve and obey the Lord. When their passions waned, that stone would remind them of their words, to encourage them to continue to follow the Lord even in the mundane every-days. That was the idea, anyway. Joshua did all he could to keep the people's focus on God.
"If you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, He will turn and bring disaster on you and make an end of you, after He has been good to you." -- As we read the story of God's chosen people, we see that it was very difficult for them to keep their focus on the Lord, and they ended up conquered by other nations and dispersed all over the world.
America also was founded upon the Judeo-Christian traditions, which means, our Founding Fathers based our Constitution and Bill of Rights on biblical principles, acknowledging God our Creator as the Giver of our rights, and the Government as protector of those God-given rights.
But since we as a Nation has turned away from God and kicked Him out of our schools and public life, He is also withdrawing from us His blessings that has in the past allowed us to rise to become the richest nation this world has ever seen. As a result, our prosperity is waning, and our government is imposing more and more tyranny upon the populace by diluting and denying us the rights our constitution emumerates.