I John 2:1-2
My dear children, -- Tender love and affection.
I write this to you -- specifically to those dear to him.
So that you will not sin. -- His motive, that we be pure.
But if anybody does sin, -- since we're not perfect yet.
We have one who speaks to the Father in our defence, Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. -- Jesus is our defence lawyer, pleading our case before the throne of God.
He is the atoning sacrifice -- the sacrificial Lamb.
For our sins, -- To take away the sin-barrier between us and God.
And not only for ours -- Jesus did not die for only those who would accept His sacrifice on their behalf, even though it can only be applied for forgiveness to those who admit that they owe the price He paid.
But also for the sins of the whole world. -- Jesus took care of the sin/curse problem for the whole world, the whole universe, purchasing it all for Himself and thereby empowering Him with the authority to be the Judge, and also the cleanser and remover of all sin and cursedness, and to "make all things new" in the New Heaven and the New Earth. All paid for by His death. And proven by His Resurrection.
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