Psalm 107: 43
Who is wise? Let him give heed to those things; and consider the lovingkindness of the Lord.
O my Father, You have always and ever rewarded those who seek Your face, and judged those who reject Your holiness and magnificance.
Father, I know that the end of all things may be upon us or very soon be upon us. I know that in Your faithfulness You are doing all things to bring this World into conformity for the World ruler to emerge, the Man of Sin as spoken of in II Thessalonians 2:3. So far, though, this man has not been revealed.
But the times are perilous for Your children, Father, all over the World. Thank You for Your faithfulness to Your children who are being persecuted and martyred even today. I have read numerous accounts of Your being with them in meaningful ways to each of those who are being tortured.
I know that You will do the same for all Your children, and that our witness will go out over all the Earth, Your Gospel will be preached to every creature, and the end of this Age will come, just as You have said.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!