Romans 12: 21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
There is so much error and dishonesty and hatred and downright evil all around us in this World. It's in our nation, our neighborhoods, and even in our own families.
I need to start at home, with my own family and neighbors. I must not retaliate when others injure or insult me, and I must take great care to not injure or insult them in any way.
I need to learn how to gently and graciously help others to correct the errors they have been caught by, with compassion and gentleness. A soft answer turns away wrath (Proverbs 15:1). To have a "soft answer" I need to pause and consider how my response may be received by the hearer. Not easy to do in the heat of the moment.
If we are to "overcome evil with good" we will need to be strong to not give in to what is easy, to struggle against our own propensities to wander.
We all have pain and wounds that need healing, so we must not speak from our pain and fear; our Father is the Great Physician Who heals all our wounds (Isaiah 53:5), and when we remember how much He cares for us (Perfect love casts out fear, I John 4:18), then we'll be able to trust Him to guide our responses.
So we need to continually draw close to God, and He will draw close to us (James 4:8). To know Him better is to love Him more, every day.
O my Father, please help me to learn, help me to be open to Your teachings, to not just know them, but to be able to apply them in my living and interacting with my loved ones and with others every day.
Father, help me to think Your thoughts, to believe Your Truth even in the little things, to have Your attitudes. Then Your words will be in my mouth, and Your kindness will be under my tongue. Wash away my harshness and sharp edges in that cleansing Flood, and continue to mold me into the very image of Your dear Son, my Savior, my Redeemer, my King, and my Lord; and my best Friend, my Brother, and my Husband, Who knows me intimately and loves me passionately and unconditionally.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!