
Sunday, October 9, 2016

From Supper To The Garden

Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40, and John 12:12-19

Jesus' last week begins with His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem as the King and Messiah over Israel. He went immediately to the Temple and cleansed it, all which incensed the Jewish leaders, who were afraid of Him, and also envious of His popularity. They are the ones who demanded His crucifixion later in the week.

Jesus then left the Temple, going back to Martha, Mary and Lazarus' home in Bethany, just outside Jerusalem, where He spent the night. 

When He came back to Jerusalem, He went into the Temple again and stymied the teachers who hated Him, told parables against them, tripped them up in their own words, and taught the people to watch out for them, to do what they say but not what they do. 

By the time of the Passover, the Jewish teachers had decided it would be best for Jesus to die and plotted to kill Him, and hired Judas to betray Him. 

Matt 26:20-30, Mark 14:17-26, Luke 22:14-30, and John 13:18-30

Then at the Last Supper He tells them again of His death and resurrection, institutes the Lord's Supper Communion ordinance of the church, prays His High Priestly Prayer (John 17), and goes to the Garden of Gethsemane, teaching all the way.

Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46, and John 18:1-2

Here we have the personal prayer Jesus prayed, as He asked His Father to release Him from having to be tortured to death, and separated from His Father, if it was possible, and still be able to save us. In His human body, He really didn't want to face this ultimate horror; but He knew that there was no other way, and He submitted to His Father's will, not His human one. Probably the only time in all eternity past and future when the Son and Father were not in perfect agreement in their wills.

Then He was arrested.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!