Psalm 104
How wonderful God is, and how powerful and skillful he is in all he is and does. He wraps himself in light as clothing, and spread out the atmosphere to clothe the Earth. He rides the clouds as we would a motorcycle, and rides on the wings of the wind. His angels are spirit and fire. He has fashioned the Earth securely so that it will remain permanently in place, to operate as he has planned out: the waters cover the oceans and seas, which rose up to cover even the mountains; then at Your rebuke, Your thunderous voice, they receded to the valleys of the Earth, the low areas, and will never again flood the whole planet. Now the fresh waters flow, the springs and rivers, from the mountains to the plains, You water the land for all the animals, birds and man, to grow all the food to nourish us all and give us health and joyfulness. All the Earth is made to work in an orderly fashion; the trees for the birds, the mountains for goats and rock badgers; the moon to delineate the seasons and the sun to set at night for the nocturnal animals, and rise again for Man to do his work. Even the oceans and seas have their aquatic creatures. They all live and die and their offspring carries on. Everything continues just as You designed it to work.