Matthew 9: 37-38
Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.
I wonder how many of God's children, disciples of Jesus, actually "beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest"!
Child of God, have you sought God's favor in sending workers into His fields?
If you do, He just may send you! When a young woman, Lottie Moon, heard a sermon on this verse, she began to pray, and God told her to go!
I don't think He sends everyone out to a foreign field who asks Him to send workers, but I would never say He won't want you to go. That's between you and your Father.
The harvest truly is great, and workers are always needed. My dream is to vagabond the World casting abroad the seed of the Gospel! God has priviledged me to attend Bible college and learn how to study His Word to understand it the way He wrote it, how He intends to teach us. This blog is one of my efforts to begin to cast handfulls of His seed. If you are reading this in another part of the World, I would like to know where you are, and how this is helping you.
And do continue to beseech the Lord of the Harvest.
O my Father, please put Your calling on more workers; all the laborers that are needed to reach even the most remote fields.
O Father, You have said that You desire Your Gospel to be proclaimed to "every creature," and that You have chosen Your own out of every Nation, every tribe, every tongue that is spoken in all the World! Please send Your workers into all these fields to reap Your abundant harvest!
Please find every one of Your lost sheep, wherever they may be in all the corners of this whole Earth; send out Your workers to find them all, and bring them into Your sheepfold. So that there will be that one fold and one Shepherd!
Unite all Your chosen ones in all the congregations over the whole face of this Earth, that the lost will see our love and know that Jesus Christ has come to save.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!