
Friday, August 25, 2017

"My Shameful Ways"

Psalm 119: 38-39a

Reassure me of Your promise, made to those who fear You. Help me abandon my shameful ways.

Sometimes my pride rears its ugly head and I find myself defending myself instead of humbly listening to the honest advice (criticism) that reveals my weakness.

Then I need to turn to the Lord in repentance, confessing my sin against His authority over me, and accept His forgiveness.

Then I will be able to go to the one who honored me with that insight, and make amends for how I dishonored them. 

Any time, every time, I follow my own understanding instead of relying on the Lord, I get into trouble. I have found that when I am to "eat crow" it's much more palatable fresh, rather than stale; so I try not to procrastinate.

I always need God to grant me the strength and ability to "abandon my shameful ways" whenever He reveals another one to me. He is so gracious and gentle and tender with me, to bring them up one at a time, to not overwhelm me with my failures, but to show me His victory over it, every time. And it takes time, too, to form these new habits to fill the emptiness of abandoning the old habits.

O my Father, Thank You so much for Your goodness and faithfulness with me, for Your gentleness and tenderness to my sensibilities, even when I need You to "knock me in the head with a two by four"! Your kindnesses to me are beyond my human understanding, as You are working on me and in me continually every day, so that You will be able to work through me to accomplish my part in Your great Plan.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!