
Friday, May 31, 2019

The Rebellious Versus The Faithful Child

Romans 9: 4-5

God gave every advantage to the Israelites.

Who are Israelites, to whom belong the adoption as sons,

The adult children who will help run the Family business, the Kingdom;

and the glory

The honor of being God's sons.

And the covenants

The agreements, the contracts with God.

And the giving of the Law

All the rules for prosperity and peace.

And the Temple service

The means of having a relationship with God as His children.

And the promises,

All God said He would do, His revealing of the future.

Whose are the fathers,

Descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

And from whom is the Christ according to the flesh,

Jesus' human genealogy was through David, of the Tribe of Judah, the son of Jacob, or Israel.

The Israelites were given all the advantages over all the other Nations. 

Romans 10: 20-21

Isaiah is very bold and says, "I was found by those who did not seek Me, I became manifest to those who did not ask for Me." 
But as for Israel He says, "All day long I have stretched out My hands to a disobedient and obstinate people."

God said that He was found by people who didn't even realize they were looking for Him, but He held His hands out all day for Israel, who He had given all the advantages, but they were disobedient and obstinate.

Isn't that the way it goes. The child in the family who is favored, even spoiled, is the rebellious one, while the ignored child turns out to be the most responsive. 

O my Father, I didn't know that it was You I was seeking, when I was searching for the Truth. But You are Truth, and You honored my search by coming to me and revealing to me that Jesus took my place in death. That's when You rescued me from the addictive sin that had trapped me, and caused me to be born into Your own family. 

You had wanted Your chosen Nation, Israel, to be Your examples to show the World what a good God You are, by obeying Your laws and rules so they could enjoy Your blessings, then the other peoples would also want to worship You instead of their idols. 

But the Israelite Nation had a real problem consistently focusing on You and Your ways, and strayed so far that they failed to do what You intended. 

But You knew this would happen, and You told Isaiah and other Prophets how You would call people of other Nations to yourself, also. 

And You called me, Father--one who has no discernible genetic descent from Abraham--to be Your daughter in Your own Family. 

O Father, I pray for all Your children, and all those who will be Your children. You know, since before You created anything, who would be Yours; and You call us to Yourself in Your time and in Your way, in every Time and every age. 

O my Father, I pray for Your wayward son Israel. I pray that the veil over their eyes would be removed, and they would recognize who You are and how You Love them. I pray that Your hand of Peace would be over Jerusalem, the Capital of Your Nation at the Center of the Earth. 

And I pray for Your children who are being persecuted. Father, my brothers and sisters who are living in areas of the World where the political climate is taken over by evil and hates all those who abide by Your Book. 

Father, You have torn the veil that separates us from intimacy with You, and You have broken down the wall between Hebrews and Gentiles. We are all to have the same faith, believing the same Scriptures, and we are all sisters and brothers in Your own Family. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!