II Chronicles 7: 14-15
If My people will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
O my dear Father in Heaven, please have those of Your own to humble ourselves before You, examine our own hearts, and work on that one besetting sin that is the part of our character we know is not of You. Let us pray, asking You for Your strength and power to have victory over that character defect, to let You mold us further into the very image of Your Son. Let us turn from any way in our thinking, our attitudes or our habits that draw us away from You.
And please let our new President be Your Asa to tear down all the altars to the heathen gods and bring Your righteousness back to this great Land that was founded upon Your good principles. Protect him, teach him Your ways, and let him bring us back to our inspired Constitution. May we all bring Your righteousness back from the grassroots up and from the top down, confessing our wrongs. And forgive us, Lord, in Your mercies that are new every morning, and heal this Land, to again be that City on a Hill.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!