Psalm 130
Out of the depths -
Despair, trouble, despondency.
I cry to you. O Lord; -
Lord Jesus, You are the One I turn to.
O Lord, hear my voice. -
I am praying out loud.
Let Your ears be attentive -
He will pay attention, listen closely.
to my cry for mercy. -
I am confessing sins, wrongs. I cry for the Lord to not give me the punishment of death that I deserve.
If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, -
Good thing He doesn't; He puts them as far from us as East is from West.
O Lord, who could stand? -
No one, not one living soul.
But with You there is forgiveness; -
By the death of the animal sacrifices that covered over the sins temporarily. You are so generous and gracious.
Therefore You are feared. -
Because we know that we deserve the death the animals gave for us. Only God forgives sins, only God is worthy of our reverential respect, our worship.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, -
I don't demand instant answers.
and in His Word I put my hope. -
I trust Your faithfulness to keep Your Word , to do what You said, to keep Your promises.
My soul waits for the Lord -
No anxiety in anticipation.
More than watchmen wait for the morning (2x) -
I am more sure that You will answer than they are that the morning will come.
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, -
Instead of anything or anyone else.
For with the Lord is unfailing love -
Only His love is real, Agape love.
And with Him is full redemption. -
Complete, entire, full rescue.
He Himself will redeem Israel [His people] from all their sins. -
Jesus, not an angel. He is the Lord God of the Old Testament Who took on Himself the flesh of Mankind, and in that flesh He paid the full debt we owed for all our sins, not just covering over them, but wiping them out completely. He Himself did redeem His People!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!