Matthew 22: 36-40
Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?
Jesus replied, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
It really does all come down to Love, doesn't it! To love God is to give Him all worship, all credit, every prayer only to Him.
And to love one another is to consider our neighbor's best, as what we would want for ourselves. If we're hungry, we eat; if my neighbor is hungry, we feed him. If I'm cold I put more clothes on; if my neighbor hasn't enough clothing, I can give him some of mine. Just as I care for my own needs, I am to also care for the needs of my neighbor, who is anyone I have the ability to help.
So all the Laws and Commandments are fulfilled when we live by these two.
But Jesus said He was giving us a New Commandment, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you love one another (John 13:34).
So what is "new" about this commandment?
We were already to love one another as we love ourselves. When I look at how people act toward one another, I realize that we already treat each other according to how we see ourselves. So people with a low self-esteem will also not respect others as valuable; and those who know they have high worth will also esteem others as with a high worth and respect.
What is new is that we are to love one another, not only with our own human love, but with the unconditional limitless Love that Jesus has lavished upon us, in sacrificing everything for us. We are to love one another with a sacrificial love that doesn't count the cost, regardless of how high it may be.
Have you ever loved someone this way? Even when they didn't deserve it? That's how God loves us. All of us. Every day.
O my Father, if only we can (or will) learn to love as You have loved us, with Your pure Love; instead of our own human love, which is self-centered and muddied with all kinds of selfish motives!
O Father, teach me to love You purely, and to love others, especially those closest to me, with Your pure, true Love!
Teach me to discern between Your Love and my own. Keep me in the control of Your sweet Spirit, thinking before I speak to consider my words and the intent of my heart and mind before I even open my mouth!
Continue to work on me, and in the World, to further Your Kingdom that is in Your people now and will cover the Earth at our King's coming.
Prosper Your Kingdom people, Father, to finance Your Kingdom; as our enemy has been amply financing his kingdom. I know that You will win the final war, but Father, we have been losing so many battles, and hanging on by a thread in some instances.
Teach us how to follow Your ways, Father, in all that we do every day. When Your people Israel followed Your laws in the Land, You prospered them greatly. I ask You, please do the same for Your people today, to promote Your ways in our Nations as National Policies, instead of the enemy's plot to destroy us and dominate us and reward his own lackeys.
You are good, and You have put good in this Earth to prosper us, for our good.
You are Love, and You have Loved us beyond our comprehension; teach us how to love one another for their good and Your glory.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!