
Monday, October 26, 2015

Our Attitude Toward Rulers And Authorities

Titus 3:1-2

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities -- to put myself under their authority.

To be obedient -- to change my attitude; I don't know better.

To be ready to do whatever is good -- to be available.

To slander no one -- to not speak evil or criticize anyone.

To be peaceable -- to make peace, to get along with.

And considerate -- to think of the other's needs, to do for the other to meet their needs.

And show true humility toward all men. -- to not be thinking of myself at all, but be focused on the other person instead.

O my Father, I know that no authority exists except what You have given and set up, and that, especially in America, we elect those to have authority over us, so we, as a Nation, deserve the kind of rulers You allow us to set over ourselves.  Help us to obey every righteous law, and to always be ready to do whatever good we can. Keep us from speaking evil against those we don't agree with, to not attack the people, but deal only with the issues involved. Father, please continue to wake up Your people who are citizens of this Nation, to recognize the kind of people we have set over ourselves and how they are bringing us down morally, and let us be Your hands and Your feet and Your voice, to speak Your words to spread Your message, and use us to change the people who rule us to those who will lead us back to Your righteousness and the simplicity of our Constitution whereby we accomplished such overall financial and spiritual prosperity in the past. 

Father, forgive us for allowing such evil to take over so much of our National life by not participating in the responsibilities we have been granted in the processes of how our national life is to function. By our withdrawal into our own personal and family lives we have permitted the enemy to prevail in every public part of life: in our halls of government, our unrighteous business practices, our lower and higher educational institutions and even in our churches. Please lead us out of this mire and quicksand of degradation before it is too late, that America would again be that "city on a hill" shining Your light upon the other nations of the World, before the end comes.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!