Psalm 119:91
Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve You.
When God created the Universe, He put His order into it, all the laws of Nature (like Gravity) and science (like Mathematics). And all of His creation obeys these laws; and in obeying they are serving Him.
Only some of the Angels, and all of Mankind have violated this Order that God placed in all of His creation, and missed the mark (sinned), which has resulted in all the disorder we see in this world system. From our governments down to our own families and ourselves, we can trace every problem, trouble and grief to some ignoring or rebelling against God's "Manufacturer's Instructions;" the rules, regulations, laws, statutes, precepts, decrees and commandments, that teach us His ways to cooperate with how He designed things to work.
So we try to break His natural laws (morally) and His technical ways (science), arrogantly deciding that we know better than our Maker, and only break ourselves on them; for God's Law is unbreakable, eternal, and will last forever, even when this Earth and this whole Universe explodes and is no more, continuing into the New Heaven and the New Earth.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!