Deuteronomy 8: 1-18
Be careful to obey all the commands I am giving you today. ... When you have eaten your fill, praise the Lord your God for the good land He has given you. But this is the time to be careful! Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the Lord your God and disobey His commands, regulations and laws. ... Always remember that it is the Lord your God Who gives you power to become rich, and He does it to fulfill the covenant He made with your ancestors.
God knows our hearts, how weak and broken we are. He knows that when we have succeeded and become rich, then our own pride arises in our imaginations and we think that we have gotten all this wealth ourselves; when it is God Who has been faithful to His own Word, the covenant He made with His holy ones of old.
God provides His blessings of abundance in response to our obedience to His commands, regulations and laws; not because of our own efforts.
We are rich when we have enough food to eat, warm clothes to cover our bodies, and a roof over our heads to protect from the elements. Many in the world today do not have even these. When we have more than this, we get spoiled, we allow our hearts to deceive ourselves into thinking that we "deserve" all these extra pamperings, and throw tantrums when we think we're being deprived of some trinket.
Please, Father, open our eyes to see the Truth of what is happening in our land. Set us on fire for You, Lord, to cast down all the altars and idols and shrines to all the demons, and let us return to You, our true Shepherd of our souls.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!