
Friday, May 25, 2018

To Reign In Death Or In Life

Romans 5: 17

For by the transgression of the one (Adam), death reigned through the one (by inheriting his DNA); much more these who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in Life through the One, Jesus Christ. 

Because Adam sinned, he passed on his damaged DNA to all Mankind, making sinfulness universal in our Race of Man. 

But the gift of grace is not automatically universal like sin is (Vs. 15 & 16), because each person must choose for himself to receive this gift. Those who do receive that gift will reign in Life, overcoming the reign of death, because Jesus conquered that enemy on the Cross and with His Resurrection. 

Our reality today is that we are victors over sin. There is no longer any need to give in to the baser instincts, we've been freed from those shackles. When we have shifted our thinking to realize the freedom that we are given in Christ, then we will walk away, or run away, from the wrong that tempts us to go astray. We never again have to just fall into old habits, but to intentionally and determinedly decide to turn away from the evil and foolish to do what is right.

The power of Christ's Resurrection lives in each of us, in the Person of His Holy Spirit. He gives us the ability to turn our lives around and boldly do the hard thing, the unpopular thing, the thing derided by the World. We can stand against the wrong and the easy way, and go the "road less traveled" hand-in-hand with Jesus. 

When we take His yoke upon us, He is partnering with us, and will take the brunt of the load. That's why He says that His load is light--light for us. He is strong, and in His strength I can be strong, too. I can do things I never thought I could do, but with Him at the helm I'm doing them. 

O my Father, thank You so much for Your great Love for me! Thank You that there is no fear in love, and You love me more than I can imagine! So when I experience feelings of fear or worry or anxiety, I can remind myself that You are handling the timeline of my life, and I choose instead to be excited about how You are moving in my own life, in the lives of others, and in this World. You are setting the stage, Father, for the final scene, the climax, for the Hero to enter at the "last possible moment" to rescue the heroine, His bride. (Hollywood cannot out-dramatize our Lord God Almighty!) 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!