
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Saul's Sorry Demise

I Samuel 28

This chapter tells how Saul violated his own edict and consults the witch at Endor. And Samuel actually appears, instead of the witch's familiar, which scares her. And Samuel predicts Saul's sorry demise.

Chapter 31

Records the battle that Israel lost to the Philistines, when Saul and all his sons died.

When Saul began to disregard what God had said and instead listened to his own fears, he started down a slippery slope that ended with his consulting a witch (who had somehow eluded Saul's own purge in 28:3). It is so sorry that Saul had to have such a dark and violent end.

I want always to pay close attention to everything God says, and not think that I ever know better, or want to do life my own way! I want always to seek His face and His ways in all my endeavors, to do what God has told me, and let the consequences fall into His hands to deal with for me. 

My own thoughts are not His thoughts, and His ways are not my own ways. I want to dispense with my own thoughts and ways, and learn to think His thoughts for me, and to live my life in His way for me. 

I know He loves me more than I can imagine, and His plans for me are for my good, no matter how troublesome or painful the times I may face. My God will always bring the good out of whatever assaults me, when I respond in His way to it. 

And I will reap the benefits, both in this World and forever, and He will gain all the praise and honor for what He has done in my life, according to how He has planned it all out.

Even so, come Lord Jesus!