
Monday, April 30, 2018

Crucifixion Almost 1000 Years Earlier

Psalm 22

This Psalm describes Jesus' Crucifixion, long before that form of torturous execution was devised by the Romans. 

V. 1 

My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning? 

Spoken by Jesus from the Cross (Matthew 27:46).

Vs. 6-8 

But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by men and despised by the people.

All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads:

"He trusts in the Lord; let the Lord rescue him, since He delights in him." 

Exactly what His mockers said as He suffered on the Cross (Matthew 27:41-44). 

Vs. 12-13

Many bulls surround me; strong bulls of Bashan encircle me.

Roaring lions tearing their prey open their mouths wide against me.

These were the Jewish leaders who tried Him in their Sanhedrin, three illegal nighttime trials to condemn Him (Matthew 26:67; Mark 14:65; John 18:12-14, 19-24, 28). 

Vs. 14-17

I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart has turned to wax; it has melted away within me.

My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; You lay me in the dust of death. 

Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me, they have pierced my hands and my feet.

I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me.

This is how He felt as His hands and feet were nailed to that Cross. The dogs were the Romans who carried out the execution. 

V. 8 

They divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing. 

What the Roman soldiers did, they divided up His clothes and rolled dice for His seamless inner garment, so they wouldn't have to tear it (John 19: 23-24). 

How did David know all this, to describe in detail something that wouldn't be invented for hundreds of years? 

He didn't. But God did, and He inspired David to write these words. 

The Lord God Who created us, Who took responsibility within the Godhead for us and agreed before Creation what He would do for us, knew the end from the beginning, and let His people know to write out for posterity what He was planning to do. And what He plans to do, He does, and accomplishes everything He wants to do. 

When Jesus was in the Garden of Olives on the night before His death, when He prayed, "If possible, let this pass from me," He knew there was no other way for us to be with Him in Heaven (John 17:24). So it was not possible for Him to not go through with this. So He prayed, "Not My will, but Yours be done" (Matthew 26:39, 42), and I think that, actually in His human body, when it came down to doing it, He dreaded it. 

It was the only time in all Eternity from past to future, that the will of the Son was not in complete agreement with the will of the Father. 

Just that one, brief moment. 

Proving that the Son and the Father are distinct Persons from each other. 

But One God. 

O my Father, You are God. Jesus, You are the Lord God. Holy Spirit, You are the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jesus. All three, distinct Persons, yet only one God. 

If I could comprehend and understand this, then I would be equal to You, which I will never be. There is no other. You alone are God. You are my God, I am Your servant. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!