
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Resurrection Day

John 20: 8b-9

... And he saw and believed--for until then they still had not understood the Scriptures that said that Jesus must rise from the dead.

When John saw the wrappings that had been wound around Jesus' body, that's when he finally understood that Jesus had not been stolen away, for the wrappings were still there; He hadn't revived, or the wrappings would have been unwound; they were lying there still intact, still wound up as around a body, but empty of the body! Physical evidence of the actual Resurrection! And John saw the evidence, he believed and knew that Jesus was Resurrected, and he understood the Scriptures that foretold that the Christ must rise from the dead! First-hand, eye-witness testimony--so I can believe, too.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!