Monday, July 30, 2018

Our Lord God's Passion

Isaiah 62: 5

... As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you. 

The Church is called the Bride of Christ. The Lord God called Israel His wife. 

God loves us passionately, as a newlywed bridegroom is enamoured with his new bride. And His passion will never wane, will never grow cold. 

Jesus wants us to also be as enraptured with intimacy with Him as He is with each of us. 

He knows us intimately, every molecule of every cell of every organ of our body; and every mote of spiritual substance of our life, our soul and our mind. He knows that we are but dust, and our spiritual parts are corrupted, but He loves us anyway. We are His by creation and by purchase. 

And those He has called to faith in His Death in their place are His by Redemption. We are His property, we are His family, we are His bride. 

That's how much He loves us. And He never changes, He will always love us more than we can imagine. There's nothing we can do to make Him love us less, there is nothing we can do to make Him love us more. He is Love. Period. 

That's why the Father sent the Son to be our Savior, and the Son sent the Spirit to live in each of us He has Redeemed, as the down payment guaranteeing that the work He began in us will be finished, and we will be made suitable to live in His Holy Presence forever. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!