Revelation 20: 9, 11
Fire came down from Heaven and devoured them.
Then I saw a Great White Throne and Him Who was seated on it. The Earth and the Heavens fled from His presence, and there was no place for them.
II Peter 3: 10-11
The Heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the Earth and everything done in it will be burned up. Everything will be destroyed in this way.
After Jesus' thousand-year reign on this Earth, when Satan is released from the bottomless pit and deceives the Nations to attack the Holy City (Jerusalem); that's when the whole Earth will explode, the whole Universe will implode, and Jesus will "make all things new."
This "old order of things will pass away." (Revelation 21:4.)
This whole order of existence will be done away with permanently, and all the knowledge we have of how this order runs and works--science--will be obsolete (I Corinthians 13:8, Knowledge will pass away.)
Then Jesus will build a whole new Earth-like planet, suitable for us to live there in our new Resurrection bodies, all based on a new order of existence.
While all this is being done, He will sit on the Great White Throne judging everyone who ever lived.
Then we will live with Him and reign with Him forever and ever!
Knowing that this is the future of the whole Universe, how are we to live our lives today? According to His rules for our World, of course. When the nobleman went on a journey, he left his servants to "occupy" until his return (Luke 19:12-13). That means that they were to be busy living their lives, conducting business, and loving one another--not just sit around and wait for his return.
So we must do what we can each day to love God, love one another, and follow His example. When we're walking in His footsteps, we will do what He has planned for each of us, as part of His great Plan of the Ages, to further His Kingdom; and as we "obey His commandments" we will experience the result, and be successful in our endeavors.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!