Revelation 22: 3-5
No longer will there be a curse upon anything.
The curse is the Second Law of Thermodynamics, that order degrades into chaos. This is the sin-curse that God placed on the Earth, and the Universe the Earth resides in; death. That's why nothing ever comes to stay, everything in this World comes to pass, and will one day, "die," or be no more as it was.
For the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and His servants will worship Him.
This will be God's home, not the Heaven we know of now, for Heaven will have come down to the New Earth for God to dwell with us as our God. Those He has redeemed are His servants who will worship Him.
And they will see His face, and His Name will be written on their foreheads.
We will have received the full Redemption that Christ Jesus bought for us, we will be resurrected with the same Body Jesus displayed when He was resurrected, and we will glow and shine as bright as our sun does now. This is our "family resemblance," the Name of God on our foreheads, as God is Light. Then we will be able to look at God without harm, because we will be like Him.
And there will be no night there--no need for lamps or sun--for the Lord God will shine on them.
This new order of existence will not need any other kind of light, because God is Light and will be the light for this new world.
And they will reign forever and ever.
This new order is what God had planned all along, to remove everything that detracts from, or damages, or twists the Good that God is, and makes. Everything that would pretend, or be sexually aberrant, or take life, or value anything over God, or try to lie or deceive, are all excluded from this new order, banished from ever taking any part in God's good order of existence He made us for (Revelation 22:15).
Thank You, Father, for giving us this "last page" to read, to know that everything that is happening now is part of Your sovereign Plan of the Ages. Thank You for letting us know that You win, and You give us the victory with You!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!